Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[Italy-Bachelor] Bachelor Scholarships at Istituto d`Arte Applicata e Design

Bachelor Scholarships at Istituto d`Arte Applicata e Design

Istituto d`Arte Applicata e Design – Torino (IAAD) as any other year, presents a design contest to offer the possibility to win twelve scholarships to attend the first level after-diploma specializations (Bachelor).

The four specializations – Transportation design, Industrial design, Interior & furniture design and Advertising and graphic design, are officially recognized by EABHES – European Accreditation Board of Higher Schools for the obtaining of the European Bachelor of Science in Design.

Esperienza Italia 150th the role of design between history and modernity, past and future.
This year the theme of the competition is dedicated to investigate and explore the various dimensions of design as an expression of strong socio-cultural and lifestyles as a strategic factor for innovation and as a significant part of the socio-economic development. The creative skills of design as a tool to contextualize values like sharing and unity in an interesting dialogue between past and future, between the modern and contemporary, creating a bond with the Made in Italy.

The aim of the contest is to propose creative projects designed to find new keys to new scenarios inspired by historical standards as a unit and sharing and the “Made in Italy” as a value and resource. Students will have the opportunity to test their creativity and sensitivity through the structuring of projects related to IAAD 4 departments: Transportation Design, Industrial Design, Interior and furniture design, Advertising and graphic design, posting projects that combine tradition and innovation.

The contest is available to all those ones: with less than 27 years old at the subscription enrolled at the 5th year of an high school or at 4th year of an artistic high school (Liceo Artistico) or achieved a high school diploma or finished the 4th year of a Liceo Artistico.

The Scholarships, amounting to the 100%, 50% and 20% of the attendance fee of the Bachelors, will be assigned to the three first classified in each of the four different specializations; the student will have to pay the admission fee and the EABHES tax, both for each academic year.

Application Process
The contest expires on June, 10th 2011

The participation form must be filled in all its parts.
Candidates have to present their projects according to the respective departments:
Transportation Design
Industrial Design
Interior and furniture design
Advertising and graphic design
Instructions and application form

The official webpage.