Wednesday, May 4, 2011

[Canada] Postdoc Position in Molecular Microbiology at AAFC Canada

Postdoc Position in Molecular Microbiology at AAFC Canada

On behalf of the Government of Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) undertakes research to achieve security of the food system, health of the environment and innovation for growth. Within this broad mandate, an important objective is to assess and to manage the risk to environmental quality and public health from agricultural contaminants that may be problematic for environmental or human health.

The successful candidate will conduct research on the fate and effects of veterinary and human pharmaceuticals entrained onto agricultural land through the application of animal or human wastes. Relevant areas of focus could include 1. Characterize the impacts of antimicrobial agents on soil and crop microbial communities including functional and community structure endpoints, abundance and characteristics of antibiotic resistant bacteria. 2. Characterize the pathways and mechanisms of biodegradation of selected antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals in environmental matrices.

Candidates should have a strong research record in microbiology, biochemistry or chemistry relevant to contaminant fate and impact research. Experience in molecular microbiology methods is highly desirable.

Please email a CV, a statement describing your motivation to apply, and names of three potential referees as a single PDF file to Dr. Ed Topp (AAFC) at

Starting date for the position is July 1, 2011 or soon thereafter. The successful candidate will be supported by the NSERC Visiting Fellowships in Government Laboratories program []. Fellowships are awarded annually, renewable for up to 3 years. Deadline for applications is May 21st 2011 or until the position is filled.